Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Chapter 6: “Collecting at the Great Tide Pool”

The tide pool early in the morning...

The tide begins to come in...

Anemones and sea stars!

A colony of anemones...

A deeper, colorful pool...

Our collection of animals from the tide pool excursion...

LINK to a video of octopi collecting in California... (click here)

Hazel loved to hear conversation but he didn’t listen to words--just to the tone of conversation...Quite often he went collecting with Doc and he was very good at it once he knew what was wanted. His fingers could creep like an octopus, could grab like an anemone. He was sure-footed on the slippery rocks and he loved the hunt” (Steinbeck 29).

“The remarkable thing,” said Doc, “isn’t that they put their tails up in the air--the really incredibly remarkable thing is that we find it remarkable. We can only use ourselves as yard-sticks.” (Steinbeck 34)

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