Wednesday, November 19, 2014

[inner] Chapter 28: "Frankie, part two”

“I don’t think the judge will do it,” said the chief. “We’ve got a mental report. You know what’s wrong with him?” “Yes,” said Doc, “I know.” “And you know what’s likely to happen when he comes into puberty?” “Yes,” said Doc, “I know,” and the stone weighed terribly on his heart. (Steinbeck 160) Photo of a framed family portrait at the Steinbeck house in Salinas, CA. Note the lower left circle with no picture and the name "Frankie." When I saw this at the Steinbeck house I immediately thought of Frankie from Cannery Row. Not sure what relation this was to John or if he had any of fictional Frankie's issues, but I found it odd that that was the only picture missing... anyone know more about Frankie Steinbeck?

“Frankie looked a long time at him. ‘I love you,’ he said. Doc ran out and got in his car and went collecting in the caves below Pt. Lobos” (Steinbeck 161).

Photo of Point Lobos.

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